“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”–Nietzsche
Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Press
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) following a movement review, before completing the workload below.
Press 5-4-3-2-1RM
Notes: Athletes should attempt to increase weight for each set, working up to a maximum effort single repetition Press.
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“Repeat Offender”
Complete the following for time
Run 400m
30 x Ring Push-ups
30 x Ring Rows
Run 400m
15 x Ring Push-ups
15 x Ring Rows
15 x Ring Push-ups
15 x Ring Rows
Run 400m
10 x Ring Push-ups
10 x Ring Rows
10 x Ring Push-ups
10 x Ring Rows
10 x Ring Push-ups
10 x Ring Rows
Run 400m
Notes: Rx+ may find an additional challenge among the following movement parameters; Set up the rings at a height even with a Box or stack of bumpers so that the torso/body is parallel to the deck at the bottom of the Ring Push-up and at the top of the Ring Row. Quality range of motion is critical for each repetition to count. We will again remind all of our athletes: Time is relative to the quality each athlete is willing to put into their movements during training. Get some, freaks.
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Skill Development
I. Mobilize
II. Slay Goats
“Push Press 1RM”: 105#
“Repeat Offender”: 21:36 Rx
Press: 95# PR! PR! PR! 5# PR since April 2014…yup.
Repeat Offender: 33:28 with dumbbell pushups and spike balls under my quads so I was forced to touch every rep…ouch. 😀 Thanks Samy…someday I’ll conquer pushups.
Press: 85# PR
“Repeat Offender”: 30:55 (45 reps of DB push-ups and then did the remaining 45 reps as regular push-ups due to some elbow pain)