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fullsizerender-63Jared Enderton hitting a 317lb Snatch at this weekend’s Attitude Nation Seminar.

— Veteran’s Day, Friday, November 11 we will be hosting the Three Wise Men Veteran’s Day Tribute. We will be running heats at 6am, 12pm, and 6pm only. Please Register Now and select “CrossFit New Hampshire” as the team.

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2-3 Rounds of
25ft x Waiters Walk
5 x KB Deadlift
5 x Goblet Squats
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Back Squat (Week 7)
Work through the following sets of Back Squat using the percentage based sets outlined below.
To determine loads use 5-rep Back Squat established on 09.07.2016.

5 x 50% (warm-up)
5 x 65% (warm-up)
5 x 80% (warm-up)

5-5-5 @ 5 to 10lbs heavier than previous Back Squat training

Notes: Use your previously established Back Squat 5RM to determine warm-up loads for today.
Repetition Percentage Calculator.

Post scores to comments.

Complete 7 rounds for time of
7 x Push Press (95/65)
7 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (32/24)
14 x V-ups

Post times to comments.

Skill Development
CFNE Bulletproof Shoulders Regimen
1. Side Plank Rotation+Scap Squeeze (20 reps L + 20 reps R)
2. Modified Push-up Y-Hold (3 sets of :15 L + :15 R)
3. Scap Push-ups (15 reps)
4. Box T-Flies w/ thumbs up, arms straight (3-4 sets of 5 reps with :05 manually resist scapulae retraction; partner assisted)
5. Box W-Flies w/ Pinkies out, elbows at 90 degrees (3-4 sets of 5 reps with :05 manually resist scapulae retraction; partner assisted)
6. Rotator Cuff Isolation (15 reps R + 15 reps L)

Samy Daghir

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