CFNH Holiday Hours
Saturday Dec 24th: “Nightmare Before Christmas” heats at 9am & 10am ONLY. (Gym will open at 8:30am)
Sunday Dec 25th: CLOSED
Monday Dec 26th: CLOSED
Saturday Dec 31st: Open Gym 9-11am
Sunday Jan 1st: CLOSED
Monday Jan 2nd: CLOSED
**Unless a date is listed above all other classes will be regular hours.
Warm-up Drills
I. 3:00 x Jump Rope Drills
II. 2-3 Round of
:10-:15 x Handstand Hold
7 x Hindu Push-ups
10 x Walking Lunges (5R+5L)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Death by 50ft Sprint
Every minute on the minute add an additional 50ft Sprint to your workload. Continue in this fashion until unable to complete the requisite distance within the time allotted. This workout will have a 12:00 cap.
1 x 50ft Sprint (0:00-1:00)
2 x 50ft Sprints (1:00-2:00)
3 x 50ft Sprints (2:00-3:00)
Post scores to comments.
“Reindeer Games”
4 Rounds for time of
10 x Handstand Push-ups
10 x Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
10 x Front Squat (95/65lbs)
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
“Death by 50′ Sprint”: 1-9 + 11
“Reindeer Games”: 19:35 Modified: 25# DB Strict(ish) Press for HSPU and 65#
“Mobility”: I was more or less mobile after that.