Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Snatch EMOTM
Warm-up as needed before completing the following EMOTM. Every :90 execute 2 x Snatch (i.e., Squat Snatch) for the first six rounds (two reps per :90). Execute 1 x Snatch (i.e., Squat Snatch) for the final four rounds every ninety seconds (one rep per :90). Athletes should plan to increase weights every 1-2 sets and prepare accordingly by staging necessary gear before the clock starts.
Every :90 for 6 rounds: 2 x Snatch
Every :90 for 4 rounds: 1 x Snatch
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“Valentines Day Massacre 2017”
Fighting against a 15:00 time cap attempt to complete the following for time:
21-15-9 reps of
Box Jumps (24/20”)
American KB Swings (32/24kg)
Row x kcal
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Skill Development
*See guidelines on whiteboard
Sprained my left thumb last week. 🙁 Modifying this week, resting it, and hoping it’s back in action next week!
Sprained my left thumb last week. 🙁 Modifying this week, resting it, and hoping it’s back in action next week!
Snatch EMOTM: 165#.
“Valentines Day Massacre 2017”: 10:54 Rx.
Snatch EMOTM: 50#
Valentines Day Massacre 2017: Cap + 47 reps (40# KB)
Clean EMOTM for Snatches : 135#
Valentine’s Day Massacre : 15:00 All but 9 kCal row