Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 6:00 Dynamic Warm-up
High Knees
Butt Kicks
Hip Circles
Walking Lunges
III. Mobility
“Posterior DOMS”
Complete 4 rounds of the following movements. Each station will involve :45 work/:15 rest on the minute.
:45 x Pull-ups
Rest :15
:45 x Abmat Sit-ups
Rest :15
:45 x Row (Meters)
Rest :15
Notes: If you are feeling the effects of 17.1 focus on quality over quantity with today’s movements.
Post reps per movement to comments.
Skill Development
ROMWOD “Spot On”
“Posterior DOMS”: 70 • 84 • 800m.
“Posterior DOMS”: 70 • 84 • 800m.
Posterior DOMS: 17 – 91 – 612m
“Posterior DOMS”: 39/89/750m