–Our April On-Ramp class begins TONIGHT April 4th at 6pm. Tell your friends!
Warm-up Drills
I. 3 Rounds for quality of
1:00 x Jump Rope
10 x Walking Lunges
10 x Abmat Sit-ups
II. Mobility
For time
50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Abmat Sit-ups (anchored)
Notes: Abmat Sit-ups have feet anchored with dumbbell(s). Get some, freaks!
Reference link for 01.28.2016 HERE.
Post scores to comments.
Impact/Focus: Turkish Get-ups
Warm up as needed before completing the following workload for Turkish Get-ups.
Turkish Get-up 2-2-2-1-1-1-1
Notes: Reps are consecutive per side for today’s training. Athletes should plan to increase weight each set as possible. Keep weights challenging and progressive in the skill’s development yet not so heavy that an ability to unleash hell during Full Snatch Wednesday is relatively inhibited as a result. Smarter then harder, freaks.
Post loads to comments.
Albeit my time was slow, I was stoked to be able to do DUs with my thumb brace. I’m very over orthopedic issues, but happy to be moving every day with friends. 🙂
“Annie”: 12:17 Rx
First time to do it Rx – hence a PR!
I was stoked just to be able to do DUs……
And, I have to say this is the BEST group of people to work out with. Thanks, everyone for all the encouragement and support.
Shiftee, good to see you back again!!
“Annie”: 8:55 Rx.
Turkish Get-ups: 1×40 kg (88 lbs).
Annie: 12:59 Rx (and managed to PR my Double Under count!)
Turkish Get-Ups: 40# PR!
“Annie”: 6:36 Rx’d PR!
Turkish Get-Ups: 32kg (70#)