– Support Charity’s Veteran Run To Home Base 9k fundraiser page. Link found HERE.
Warm-up Drills
II. Mobility
“Double Sessions”
Complete as many reps as possible during each work interval.
3:00 x Power Clean (155/105lbs)
3:00 x Double-Unders
2:00 x GHD Sit-ups
2:00 x Pull-ups
1:00 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
–Rest 4:00–
3:00 x Power Clean (155/105lbs)
3:00 x Double-Unders
2:00 x GHD Sit-ups
2:00 x Pull-ups
1:00 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
Notes: Transition time will be allotted for. Rx+ 185/135 for the Power Cleans.
Post scores to comments as total reps per movement (for individual movement assessment) and total points (for competitive gravity).
Skill Development
I. Slay Goats (*with a Coach’s guidance/discretion)
Notes: GOOGLE says “…your Goat in CrossFit is a movement that you are not so good at, and that is putting it politely. It could be anything; barbell movement, gymnastics movement, body weight movement, kettlebell movement, or simply flexibility and/or mobility. The only way to attack your goat is to work on it”.
We say Yahtzee to that, Google.
Get some, freaks.
Modofied WOD – same schedule; different movements :
1-arm DB Snatch or Clean & Press (35#)/1-arm Slam Ball/GHD/24″ Box Step-ups/Front Squats 16# DB:
Double Sessions: 39/96/63/29/27=254 (75# for the Power Cleans)
“Double Sessions”: 17,15 / 125,120 / 26,20 / 15,11 / 22,26 – Total 397 Rx+