– Support Charity’s Veteran Run To Home Base 9k fundraiser page. Link found HERE.
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 rounds of
:15 x Handstand Hold
7 x Push-ups
10 x Overhead Squat (45/35)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Handstand Push-ups
Complete one of the following rep schemes every :90 second for 7 Rounds:
I. Strict HSPU
*Increasing Deficit if possible.
II. Kipping HSPU
*Increasing Deficit if possible.
III. Stinkbugs
Post scores to comments.
“Sunny V”
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 15:00 of
Run 400m
12 x Overhead Squat (95/65)
18 x V-ups
Post rounds/reps completed to comments.
Skill Development
Mobilize and prepare for Friday’s Deadlifts!
Handstand Push-ups: Option I (PR! ?)
“Sunny V”: 4+100m Rx.
Pistols for HSPU
“Sunny V” : 3 Rounds (sub 18 x 1-arm 30# KB Swings for OHS)
Handstand Push-ups: Option III (started with 24″ box on my knees and ended with 30″ box up on my toes. Not the best reps, but baby steps ?)
Sunny V: 2+419 Rx
HSPU: Option I – 2 Ab Mats/Last two single sets with 1 Ab Mat + 10# plate
“Sunny V”: 3 + 200m Rx’d