– Support Charity’s Veteran Run To Home Base 9k fundraiser page. Link found HERE.
Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
5 Rounds for time of
1 x Rope Climb
25 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
200m Tactical Carry Bumper Plate Run
5 x Turkish Get-ups (32/24kg)
Notes: The Bumper plate is held in the old school ‘alert to the dirt’ style during the run. Turkish Get-ups alternate sides and represent the total reps per round (5 total). Due to the logistical constraints of today’s HERO wod there will be a 30:00 cutoff on time to completion.
Marine Cpl. Paul N. King was killed in action June 25, 2006 Serving During Operation Iraqi Freedom. Corporal King was 23, of Tyngsboro, Mass.; assigned to 1st Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment. Cpl. King was killed while conducting combat operations in Fallujah, Iraq. Also killed was Staff Sgt. Raymond J. Plouhar. Honor Staff Sergeant Plouhar by reading about him via the link found HERE.
To read about the memories of Corporal King, please click on the link found HERE.
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“King” (Rest in Peace!)
Modified: 0 Rope Climbs/25 x 1-ARm 30# DB Thrusters/200m Sandbag portage/ 5 Sandbag G2S:
4 Rounds + 25 Thrusters
“KING”: 3+12 Rx.
King: 2+26+50m run (30# KB)
“King”: 3+22 Rx’d