– Our July On-Ramp begins Tuesday July 11th @ 6pm. Tell your friends!
– From your Coaches and Charity: Thank you to our CFNH community for supporting Charity as she achieved her financial goals fundraising for veterans well before the event deadline on July 16. Check out the details HERE. Get some!
Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Pause Power Snatch
Warm-up suggestion: 3-3-2-2-1-1 practicing the Pause Power Snatch technique. Execute a :03 pause in the Power Snatch Receiving Position for the following sets and reps.
Pause Power Snatch 2-2-2-2-2 (increasing in weight)
Notes: Work on confidence in a strong position receiving the Power Snatch today; increase weight per individual/Coach’s discretion. In the receiving position execute a :03 pause for the above sets and reps. Work up in weight able to progress with sound technique.
Get some, freaks…
Post scores to comments.
“Liberty Circles”
14:00 AMRAP of
Row 600m
20 x Overhead Squat (95/65lbs)
20 x Slambal (40/20lbs)
20 x Push Press (95/65lbs)
Post total rounds and reps to comments.
Skill Development: Sum Challenges
I. Ring Support (tabata)
Score cumulative seconds in hold
II. Pull-ups 5 sets of (7 @ 81X2 tempo)
Score is getting stronger
III. 3 sets Push-ups (15 @ 2111 tempo)
Score is getting stronger
IV. L-sit (tabata)
Score cumulative seconds in hold
Pause Power Snatch: 2×155# (2×165# if you count iffy reps).
“Liberty Circles”: 2+153m Rx-ish (I used the wrong slamball?)
No snatching for me!!
“Liberty Circles”: Modified
400m Run/Walking Lunges/1-arm Slamball/1-arm DB Push press or HPC & Press (50/50).
2 Rounds
Love that photo !! Like monkeys at the zoo !
Pause Power Snatch: 2×75
Liberty Circles: 1+171m Rx
Pause Power Snatch: 115# x2
“Liberty Circles”: 2 Rounds Rx’d