Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
:20 Handstand Hold
5 x Kip Swings
7 x Hindu Push-ups
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Deadlift (Week 6)
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) before completing the following workload for Deadlift.
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 (+5-10lbs from previous week)
Notes: 75% work was based off current 5-rep max established on 07.07.2017.
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Complete for time
15 x Box Jump Overs (24/20)
12-9-6 reps of
Handstand Push-ups
15 x Box Jump Overs (24/20)
12-9-6 reps of
Handstand Push-ups
15 x Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Post times to comments.
Deadlift 5x5x245
Tang 30:16 w/1 abmat
Deadlift: 235#.
Tang: 14:25 Rx.
Deadlift: 155
Tang: 25:59 (25# DB push presses + a stink bug walk subbed in for the HSPU’s)