Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
III. Warm-up sets/reps for the heavy oly component of the metcon
For time
Row 500m
15 x Power Clean (155/105lbs)
Row 400m
12 x Power Clean
Row 300m
9 x Power Clean
Row 200m
6 x Power Clean
Row 100m
3 x Power Clean
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
I. Ring Support (tabata)
Score cumulative seconds in hold
II. Pull-ups 5 sets of (7 @ 81X2 tempo)
Score is getting stronger
III. 3 sets Push-ups (15 @ 2111 tempo)
Score is getting stronger
IV. L-sit (tabata)
Score cumulative seconds in hold
Post scores to comments.
Mush – kinda. 14:00
Ran on treadmill for row
Dumbbell cleans. First round 30#. Remainder 40#
Mush: 22:53 95#
Mush: 14:23 RX
“Mush”: 13:20 Rx’d