Warm-up Drills
I. Spikeball
II. 2-3 Rounds for quality of
:10-:15 x Ring Support
5 x Hang Power Clean
5 x Thruster
5 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull
III. Mobility
“The Humbling Barbell”
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 10:00 of
5 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95/65lbs)
7 x Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs)
10 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
Notes: Scale load accordingly if necessary. Keep the hook grip in mind to help battle grip fatigue… Get some, freaks!
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
Ring Dip & Toes-2-Bar EMOTM
Warm up as needed following movement review. Complete the following movement workload every minute on the minute for 12:00.
Even: 5 to 10 x Toes-2-Bar
Odd: 5 to 1o x Ring Dips
Post strict or kipping and total reps completed to comments.
6+4 Rx.
60 (kipping T2B) • 60 (strict RD).
The Humbling Barbell: 3+12 Rx
Skill Development: 47 (kipping T2B) / 44 (strict dips)
“The Humbling Barbell”: 4 + 17 …..shoulda made 5 ! (65#)
“Ring Dip & Toes-2-Bar EMOTM” : 56/54
2 WODs for the price of one…..like 50% off !!
“The Humbling Barbell”: 6+2 Rx’d
Ring Dip & Toes-2-Bar EMOTM: ~30 T2B / ~20 Ring Dips (Worked on Rx)
The Humbling Barbell: 5 + 1 rx
Ring dips & T2B emotm: 60 t2b/30 ring dips using a band across hips for support