Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. 3 rounds of
:15 x Handstand Hold (wall or free)
10 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Walking Lunges
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Handstand Push-ups
Complete the following against a 15:00 Running Clock; use this time management asset to ensure a minimum 1:00 rest window between efforts.
Scaled: 5-6 Rounds of 5 Reps (strict)
Rx: 6-8 Rounds of 7 Reps (Kipping Permitted)
Rx+: 6-8 Rounds of 7 Reps (Kipping Permitted) + Incorporate Minimum 8” Deficit (Kipping Permitted)
Post sets/reps/totals to comments.
“Continuity Error”
Complete 5 Rounds for time of
Row 15kcal
15 x Burpees
15 x Slamball (40/20lbs)
Notes: There will be a 15:00 incentive time cap on today’s WOD.
Post scores to comments.
Stink bug practice
“Continuity Error”: 3+24 30#
Handstand Pushups: 1 abmat and then 1 abmat with two 10# plates under my hands
Continuity Error: 14:47 RX
Handstand Push-Ups: Strict work with 2 abmats down to 1. Then sets of 4-6 kipping w/ 1 abmat
“Continuity Error”: 4+18 Rx’d