Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Rind Dip Training EOMOTM
Complete one of the following training options for Ring Dips (or static dips; scaled) every 2:00 for Five Rounds Total (10:00).
I. Max Reps x Strict Ring Dips
II. 6-8 reps x Scaled/Modified Dips
III. 3-5 x Jump through Dip ROM + Negative
Post selections, sets, reps to comments.
“Horseshoes & Hand-grenades”
Complete as many repetitions as possible during each work interval. Complete six rounds of a given movement before moving on to another exercise.
6 Rounds of :20 max reps x :10 rest of
Hang Power Cleans (95/65lbs)
:30 x Transition
6 Rounds of :20 max reps x :10 rest of
:30 x Transition
6 Rounds of :20 max reps x :10 rest of
DB Snatch*
:30 x Transition
6 Rounds of :20 max reps x :10 rest of
DB Front Squat**
Notes: DB Snatch will be :20 on the right arm, rest :10 seconds, then :20 on the left arm, etc. DB Front Squat may be interpreted as with the ends of the DB in each hand providing modified Front Rack position or as a traditional DB Goblet Squat. Get some, freaks.
Scores will be total reps per movement, with high and low scores noted if possible.
“Ring Dips” : did 8 reps per round in deference to my shoulder
“Horseshoes and Hand-Grenades” : (75# & 35#)
53 (11-6)/52(15-6)/38 (7-6)/54(9-9)
Ring Dips: 5×10 strict ring dips (first 4 dips of each set with held breath).
“Horseshoes & Hand-grenades”: 54 • 43 • 48 • 48 Rx.
* Hang Power Cleans: 13 + 10 + 9 + 7 + 7 + 8 = 54.
* Push-ups: 13 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 = 43.
* DB Snatch (50 lbs): 6×8 reps = 48.
* DB Front Squat (50 lbs): 6×8 reps = 48.
Ring Dips: 40 strict dips (8 per round)
Horseshoes and Hand-grenades:
50(13/7)—29(9/3)—32(6/4)—39(9/7) Rx