Good luck to all those running the Boston Marathon!
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 2:00
II. 2-3 rounds of
5 x Pull-ups
5 x Clean
5 x Push Jerk
10 x Push-ups
III. Mobility
“Marathon Monday”
Complete 5 rounds for time
4 x Clean & Jerk (185/135)
15 x Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
13 x Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Run 800m
Notes: Today’s WOD was created by CrossFit Southie (Boston, MA, USA) after the April 15, 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, which killed 3 civilians (Martin Richard (8), Krystle Campbell (29), and Lingzi Lu (23)) and injured an estimated 264 others.
There will be a 25:00 time cap on the 5 rounds. At that time, anyone not finished will run the 800m.
Post times to comments.
3 + 3 rounds RX in the 25:00 then 4:10 for the 800m.
“Marathon Monday”: 25:52 Rx (20:47 + 5:05 run).
Marathon Monday: 3+22 @ 95# / 4:48 for the run
“Marathon Monday” – sure felt like one.
5 rounds in 24:44 @ 105# + 1K Row = 31:10