Thank you to everyone that came in today to complete “Holbrook” and honor a fallen soldier. We hope everyone had a great and Happy 4th of July!
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2-3 rounds of
:15 x Handstand Hold
10 x KB Swings
10 x Walking Lunges
III. Mobility
“Freedom Binds”
Complete for time
15 x Bumper Ground-2-Overhead (45/25)
20 x Handstand Push-ups
30 x Reverse Wallball (20/14)
40 x Walking Lunges (45/25)
50 x Burpees
40 x Walking Lunges (45/25)
30 x Reverse Wallball (20/14)
20 x Handstand Push-ups
15 x Bumper Ground-2-Overhead (45/25)
Notes: For walking lunges the bumper plate will be held zercher style across the chest with elbows low. Get some, Freaks!
Post times to comments.
Skill Development
Complete 8 rounds for quality of
:20 work/:30 rest x L-sit Ring Support
From Milwaukee:
“Big Bang” (Time)
50 Power Cleans
8:00 Time Cap
Games Rx – 225/155
Rx+ – 205/145
Rx – 185/135
7:55 @ 100#
“Freedom Binds”: 14:48 Rx.
Freedom Binds: 24:43 (20# DB strict presses)