– Our August on-ramp class begins Tuesday August 7th @ 6PM! Tell your friends!
Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope 2:00
II. 6:00 Dynamic Mobility
25ft Duck Walk
25ft Crab Walk
25ft Bear Crawl
25ft Inchworms
25ft Spider Lunge
10 x Scorpion Stretch
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Push/Split Jerk
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 3 reps) before completing the following workload for Front Squat.
Push/Split Jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2 (+10lbs from last)
Notes: For todays weight, athletes should plan to add 10lbs to the numbers they used last week.
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Complete for time
30-25-20-15-10 x GHD Sit-ups
30-35-40-45-50 x Double unders
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Still alive and well in Wisconsin – you will like this one!
Thruster (8rm max): 85#
3 Rounds of the “Bergeron Beep Test”
50/35 Calorie Row
3 Rounds of the “Bergeron Beep Test”
50/35 Calorie Row
3 Rounds of the “Bergeron Beep Test”
1 Round of the “Bergeron Beep Test
7 Thrusters (75/55), 7 Pull-Ups, 7 Burpees
29:02 55# and 35kCal Row
7:17 Rx.
Push Jerk: 100#
Annis: 14:35 Rx