Warm-up Drills
I. Speed Rope
:30 x Single unders
:30 x Running unders?
1:00 x Double unders
II. 2-3 rounds of
:15 x Handstand Hold
10 x Push-ups
10 x Walking Lunges
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Handstand Skill Work
Athletes will spend 15:00 working on various handstand skills not limited to the following.
Wall Walks
Handstand Holds
Shoulder Taps
Freestanding Handstand work
Handstand Walks
Complete 3 rounds for time of
25 x Dumbbell Push Jerks (50/35)
50 x Double unders
25 x Weighted Step-ups (50/35)(24/20)
50 x Double unders
Notes: There will be a 20:00 time cap on today’s workout.
Post times to comments.
Handstand holds.
2+78 scaled (35# jerks).
Holds and shoulder taps from stinkbug positon
180903: 2 rounds (25# dumbbells)
Handstand holds and Stink Bugs on GHD
“180903”: 2 + 20 (25#/mix SU&DU/20″)