Thursday 09.20.2018

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Warm-up Drills
I. Single/Double-unders x 2:00
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Double-under & Ring Support EMOTM
Every minute on the minute for 12:00 complete the following workload assigned:

Odd minutes x Max Reps Double-unders
(:45 work x :15 rest/transition)

Even minutes x :25 Ring Support
(Complete within the minute, rest remainder)

Post scores to comments as total reps/total time.

“Freedom Flight”
Attempt to complete the following workload against a 12:00 running clock.

Athletes are to select a Rowing partitioning strategy and rep/load attributes for the Power Snatch.

Choose wisely; play to strengths or strategy in order to complete the challenge within the 12:00.

Row 1500m
Power Snatch 4000/2500lbs

Notes: Rowing distances are universal for male and female athletes. Select rep loads based on one of the two total poundage volumes available to facilitate a baseline for both male female athletes variation. All numbers are based on the volume represented by an athlete performing 30 reps of Power Snatch at 135lbs for a total volume of 4000lbs or a female athlete performing 30 reps of power snatch at a volume total of 2500lbs.

Rowing partitioning examples:
1 Rounds of 1500m
2 Rounds of 750m
3 Rounds of 500m
5 Rounds of 300m
6 Rounds of 250m
3 Rounds descending of 750m, 500m, 250m
3 Rounds ascending of 750m, 500m, 250m
(or exercise creativity and show your coaches your proposed novel strategy)

Power Snatch options for 4000/2500lbs:
27/15 reps of 155lbs
30/18 reps of 135lbs
35/21 reps at 115lbs
42/26 reps at 95lbs
53/33 reps at 75lbs
61/38 reps at 65lbs
72/45 reps at 55lbs
88/55 reps at 45lbs

Post scores to comments as time completed with weight selected, partitioning selected if under the time cap. If time expires post scores to comments as weight selected, meters and total lbs completed in the 12 minutes.

Samy Daghir

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