Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. 2-3 Rounds of
*Technique review/Barbell Complex
III. Mobility
Notes: The barbell movement review and complex’s assigned will be specific to the benchmark being tested by the individual athlete.
“Isabel or Grace”
30 x Snatches for time
30 x Clean and Jerks for time
Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.
Notes: Isabel and Grace are two of the fastest CrossFit benchmark workouts. Reduce the load so you can perform multiple reps unbroken and complete all the reps within a target time of 5-7 minutes. Athletes less familiar with Olympic lifting should take time to drill the mechanics of each movement and reduce the load drastically.
Post your choice of girl and time and load to comments.
Skill Development: Posterior Chain Accessory Training
Select one of the following and work through four rounds of
I. Back Extensions 4 sets × 10-15 reps
II. Glute Ham Raises 4 sets × 8-10 reps
III. Good Mornings 4 sets × 12-15 reps
Note: Coach’s Choice for midline ‘intermissions’ between posterior chain sets/reps. The training will run as four rounds of a posterior extension movement of the athlete’s choice followed by a midline movement of the Coach’s selection. Perform as a class for quality.
Post training to comments.
I chose Grace again since snatching is still off limits for me. However, I was able to do it at 80# vs 65# compared to 3 weeks ago! 4:27 🙂
Remedial WOD #1 (aka All the Legs and Abs):
Calories on the bike (just legs)
Leg raises (holding onto the rig with my good arm)
Air Squats (to a medicine ball, to help keep neutral head position)
Isabel: 5:32 Rx.