Friday 05.03.2019

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Our Next On-Ramp class begins Tuesday, May 7th @ 6pm. Tell your friends!
On-Ramp Information Link found HERE.

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 2:00
II. Barbell Warm-up
2 Rounds of
5 x Deadlift
5 x Barbell Row
5 x Thrusters
10 x Hollow Rocks
III. Dynamic Drills and Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
V. Deadlift movement review, ‘math-ing’ percentages time, and Deadlift barbell warm-up

Impact/Focus: Deadlift Triples with Negative Emphasis (WK6)
Complete 6 Rounds on the :90 seconds of the following:
3 x Deadlift (same weight as previous deadlift training 5×5)

Notes: No soft landings today, emphasize breathing for core control and stability as well as deliberate movement through the negative range of motion per each repetition today. If this is very difficult at the assigned weights please scale to the previous week’s load in order to reinforce the technique during the deload week recovery block.

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5 Rounds for time
(vs a 12:00 time cap)
3 x Bar Muscle-ups
7 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
30 x Double-unders

Notes: As we continue to prepare for MURPH as well as training and bencmarks pending regarding the Muscle-up today’s Bar movement is intended to emphasize kipping drive power and overall relative work capacity. Focusing on efficient kipping skills during this metcon will benefit not only the high volume of Pull-ups in MURPH but also facilitate overcoming the fatigue and technique barrier relationship when working towards Ring Muscle-up abilities. Pull-ups (c2b as well) are 7 reps for scaling, single-unders are 60 reps per round. Scale load for Thrusters as necessary.

Post scores to comments.

Skill Development: Midline Conditioning
Time Permitting Complete for time
50 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
35 x Abwheel Roll-outs or Inchworms
20 x Windshield Wipers (95/65lbs)

Samy Daghir

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