Our Next On-Ramp class begins Tuesday (TONIGHT!) May 7th @ 6pm. Tell your friends!
On-Ramp Information Link found HERE.
Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Snatch 8 x 1
Warm-up as needed before completing the following workload vs. 15:00 time cap.
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
(8 sets x 1 rep, increasing weight as able)
Post scores to comments.
6 Rounds for time of
20 x DB Hang Power Clean (50/35lbs)
20 x DB OH Stepping Lunges (50/35lbs)
40 DB Jump Overs
Rest 1:00 between each trip through each ‘one dumbbell h-ll’ round
Post total time to complete to comments.
Skill Development
Mobilize and slay goats… keep good logbook notes regarding hspu training.
“Snatch 8 x 1”: 100#
“Tuesday”: 21:12 Rx
18:20 Rx.
Snatch: 65#
Tuesday: 19:26 (20#)