Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Static Mobility
IV. Gymnastics movement warm-up and review; set-up for I/F below using one set of rings at a height which facilitates both Ring Rows and Ring Dips.
Impact/Focus: Muscle-up & Push/Pull Conditioning Intervals
Complete 12 Rounds of :30 work x :30 rest based on one of the following assignments.
I. Ring Muscle-up Max Reps
@ 12 Rounds
(:30 work x :30 rest)
II. Ring Row + Ring Dip
@ 12 Rounds
(:15 RR + :15 RD x :30 rest)
Notes: Scale Dips as necessary to accommodate a functional volume with a high regard for prioritizing quality of movement.
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Complete the max reps possible for each movement versus :45 seconds. Rotate through each movement/interval once without breaking during transition at the :45 mark. There is :45 rest between rounds. Complete four rounds of this gauntlet for total reps possible.
Four Rounds for total points:
:45 x Slamball (40/20lbs)
:45 x Double-unders
:45 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
:45 x Anchored Abmat Sit-ups
:45 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
:45 x Rest/Recover
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