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Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
Jump Rope 2:00
II. 2 Rounds of
5 x Push-ups/Scaled Push-ups
10 x Air Squat (Squat Therapy)
10 x Tuck-ups/V-ups
III. Mobility, Dynamic Drills & Yoga Poses
Impact/Focus: Back Squat Triples Every 2:00
Against a 15:00 running clock, warm up as needed before building to a heavy triple for Back Squat.
Back Squat Warm-up Sets x 3 reps each, climb to 70% of a 1 rep to begin the following workload.
Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (climb weight as able)
Notes: Box Squat set-up and drills to emphasize form and balance in the Back Squat movement will be applied through warm-up and applied training.
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“Liger Stripes”
7 Rounds for time of
30 x Double-unders
10 x Ring Push-ups
Notes: Scaling today for Push-ups and Single-unders will be 1:1 and 2:1 (10 reps scaled, 60 reps scaled).
Rest 3:00 before moving into Skill & Accessory Training
Skill Development & Accessory Training
5 Rounds for quality of
Max Reps x Strict Toes-2-Bar/Knees-2-Elbows/V-ups
Notes: Ensure a negative, if possible is controlled during these movement sets. Kipping should only be utilized during the last two sets as determined by individual capacity for the workload. Smooth is fast, ninjas.
Back Squat Triples: 135#
Liger Stripes: 10:26 (single unders)
7:56 Rx.