Warm-up Drills
I. Run 200m
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Front Squat Doubles (on the :75)
Warm-up to a working weight of +/- 65% 1RM for the following :75 intervals x 2 rep sets of Front Squat. Climb weight across each round as able.
Every :75 x 8 Rounds of
2 x Front Squat
**Climb weight across sets and reps as able.
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“Protein Donuts”
4 Rounds for time of
Run 400m
10 x C2B Pull-ups
20 x GHD Sit-ups
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
Ring Muscle-up Skill Training x Set/Rep assignement from low to high rings, kip mechanics and practice.
14:35 Rx (?-style GHDs). (Rounds at 3:31 • 3:34 • 3:52 • 3:44).