**Important Holiday Schedule Information**
MON, TUES & WEDS (25,26,27th)
Normal Hours
THURS (28th) & FRI (29th)
Closed for Holiday Break
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m / Jumprope x 2:00
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Press Week 2
Against a 12:00 running clock accomplish the following warm-up and working sets.
Warm-up sets/reps:
5 x Light Weight Technique Set
5 x 50%
5 x 65%
Working sets/reps:
Press x 3 sets @ 5 reps each (75%5RM)
– Each set should be performed at 75% of the 5 rep maximum (5RM) established last Wendesday.
– Begin getting comfortable with the warm-up protocol and percentages, cheat sheets will be provided for quick math (no one is judging you 5am-ers…).
Post scores to comments.
“2nd Wind”
6 rounds for time of (15:00 time cap)
Row 250m
15 x GHD Sit-ups
40 x Double-unders
Notes: Scaling rep adjustments today are 1:1 for all movement substitutions.
Skill Development
– Back Extensions 3 x 10
– Ring Support x 2:00 cumulative
– 35 x Hollow Rocks
– Foam Rolling Series (preparing for indoctrination into warm-up series)
– Deadlift prep for tomorrow’s 3 x 5 prior to the Team WOD.
13:02 (abmat)
Press: 55# (5rm)
2nd Wind: 21:55 Rx
Substituted Barbell Rows – 95# x 5
“2nd Wind” : 17:42 SUs