Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m / Jumprope x 2:00
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Yoga Series
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Handstands & L-sits EMOTM
For 10 Rounds complete the following; every minute on the minute, where the first :30 seconds is work/static hold and the remaining :30 seconds is rest.
10 rounds of :30 work x :30 rest
*alternate each round as follows
Odd Minutes x Max Reps (strict or kipping) Handstand Push-ups
Even Minutes x Max Seconds x L-sit/Knee Raise Holds
1. Scaling for Handstand Push-ups will be assigned in efforts to develop skill competency from the following:
– Kick-ups + Static Hold Against Wall
– Kick-ups + Negative ROM Reps
– Modified Handstand Push-up Range of motion reps
– Stinkbugs
There will be no DB Pressing Substitutions today.
2. Scaling options for L-sits will be hanging knee raise holds (from Pull-up rig).
3. Rx+ Handstand Walks x max distance
Post scores to comments.
“OPT Work Capacity”
Complete 5 Rounds individually for time, rest 1:00 between efforts.
10 x Full Clean (135/95lbs)
15 x Pull-ups
30 x Double-unders
Rest 1:00
Notes: Scaled workload today has a modified rep scheme which will be briefed during the whiteboard gathering before each class kicks off their training. Scaling for rep substitutions either at the rx or scaled volume will be 1:1 for movements.
Rx+ weights would be 185/135lbs for today.
Post scores to comments.
Hspu & Lsits:
10,7,7,7,7 Reps
:20, :15, :15, :15, :15 Seconds
“OPT Work Capacity”
17:40 rx