Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
IV. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Overhead Squat Ladder
Warm-up Sets and reps at light/moderate weight. Training here is for both the weightlifting benefit and as a practice and warm-up for moving weight efficiently and safely in the following workout.
Every 2:00 (w/:30 for rest/weight changes) for Six Rounds Total complete the following ladder of weights for Overhead Squat sets.
2:00 to complete 1 to 2 sets of
2-3 reps x Overhead Squat (75/55lbs)
Rest :30
2:00 to complete 1 to 2 sets of
2-3 reps x Overhead Squat (95/65lbs)
Rest :30
2:00 to complete 1 to 2 sets of
1-2 reps x Overhead Squat (115/75lbs)
Rest :30
2:00 to complete 1 to 2 sets of
1-2 reps x Overhead Squat (135/85lbs)
Rest :30
2:00 to complete 1 to 2 sets of
1-2 reps x Overhead Squat (155/105lbs)
Rest :30
2:00 to complete 1 to 2 sets of
1-2 reps x Overhead Squat (185/115lbs)
– Warm-up with sets and reps climbing up through light to moderate weight sets before beginning work on the clock. This is Overhead Squat training as well as primers on movements athletes will see in the second half of today.
– The Overhead Squat movement must begin on the deck for each set,w with exception to anyone requiring rig usage for safety. The intention here is for each athlete to use the two minutes to complete one to two sets of each of weight assignment, spaced out accordingly across the interval time at the discretion/pace of the athlete working.
– While weights shown climbing here will match to the WOD below we will be able to adjust the increases and start/final weights for those that need scaling as necessary.
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This is the second in the six part series of training challenges for the CrossFit Games Online Qualifier which tests the top finishers for each age class from the CrossFit Open Competitive season.
Complete for time versus a 15:00 time cap:
15 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 x Overhead Squat (95/65lbs)
15 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 x Overhead Squat (135/85lbs)
15 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 x Overhead Squat (185/115lbs)
15 x Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 x Overhead Squat (225/145lbs)
Notes: Scaling options and training guidance will be covered during our whiteboard brief after the warm-up series. For those who would like to see a downloadable PDF with all of the event details as released by CrossFit HQ please click HERE.
Post scores to comments.
Overhead Squat Ladder: 55/65/75/85 (stuck with 85, since my shoulder wasn’t cooperating)
AGOQ#2: 11:33 (ring rows & 55/65/75/65 for weight)
AGOQ#3 (Sunday with Randi and the rest of the crew): 207 reps (20#)
Overhead Squat Ladder: 75# • 95# • 115# • 135# • 155# • caterwauling#.
“AGOQ#2”: 72 reps (Rx).