Friday Home WOD 03.27.2020

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Temporary Closing of All Classes through MAY 4th due to New Hamshire Governor Chris Sununu issuing a Stay at Home Order as the state attempts to slow the coronavirus spread.

During these times of social distancing/self quarantine and stay at home orders we aim to continue developing and improving the manner with which we produce daily programming, video guides, and use zoom integration to engage and support this wonderful community of athletes and people.

CFNH has placed all memberships on hold so that none of our athletes will be charged moving forward until we resume normal operations in our home at 399 Willow St as soon as it is deemed safe (hopefully May 4th!). We are prepared to endure this together and look forward to doing what we can to bring it all back in house in May.

Standby for the video boom of CFNH to begin populating our YouTube channel.

As always, please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. We are here for you, as we always strive to be.

-Samy and the Staff at CFNH


CrossFit New Hampshire YouTube video channel is now live and being stocked on videos to accompany training for the day. Click the link found HERE to watch and follow along!

Warm-up Drills
I. Run/Row/Bike/Jumprope of choice
4 Rounds of
(1:00 move x :30 rest)
II. Dynamic Drills, Yoga Poss, Tabata Roll-to-ready Circuit (see below and video guide for overview)

**6 minutes of Tabata Intervals for a head to toe Foam Roller Full Body prep series
(:20 per drill with :10 between drills to transition and rest)
1. Left arm over left: Arms Crossed on Chest, Arch upper body, Roll out T-spine
2. Right arm over right: Arms Crossed on Chest, Arch upper body, Roll out T-spine
3. Arms Overhead: T-spine and scaps, Left side
4. Arms Overhead: T-spine and scaps, Right side
5. Left Glute Figure Four on roller
6. Right Glute Figure Four on roller
7. Left Hammy & IT Band
8. Right Hammy & IT Band
9. Left Quad
10. Right Quad
11. Left Calf/Ankle
12. Right Calf/Ankle

Impact/Focus: DB/KB Skills & Conditioning
5-8 Rounds of
:30 x Left arm continuous DB/KB Snatch from Hang Position
:30 x Right arm continuous DB/KB Snatch from Hang Position
:30 x DB/KB Hand to Hand Switches @ Eye level
(ie palms face one another when handing weight off at Russian Swing elevation level).
Rest 1:00 between rounds

Notes: We are establishing a baseline here to build some exciting skill sets and work capacity; and of course bring in some fresh benchmark squabbles to test this against in the near future. If the hands are getting beat up then it would be a good mental check to remind ourselves that gripping too tight with this training yields non-ideal technique development.

Post scores and training details/adaptations to comments.

“A Broomstick Mile”
Using a broomstick up to 95lbs on a Barbell, and a Run, Bike, Row, or Double-under movement choice to work through the following for time. See notes and video guide for details on scaling for the different forms of cardio, as well as creative items/movement implementation for the various training settings our athletes will experience today. Best case scenario? OUTSIDE! Make a ‘self quarantine-fitness scene’…

For time

25 x Back Squat
25 x Front Squat
25 x Overhead Squat
Run 400m

25 x Presses
25 x Push Presses
25 x Push Jerks
Run 400m

50 x Hang Squat Clean
Run 400m

50 x Hang Power Snatch
Run 400m

Notes: 1-arm variations with Dumbbell or Kettlebell, broomstick through loaded barbells, odd objects will be demo and detailed in the video overview. Scale the Run distance to 200m per round as necessary. Break up sets and reps with a plan or assault through at max intensity, this one is going to be fun. Rowing would be 500m per effort for each run, Double-unders would be 75 reps, Single-unders would be 150 reps, or 200 steps with the rope running in place. Traditional stationary exercise or recumbent Bike distances would be 800m or .50 miles or 500m. The air dyne or assault bike setup would be .25 miles. This should let everyone set-up a station near their cardio of choice or engage the WOD as writing with running. Enjoy!

Post scores to comments.

Extra Credit/Weekend Fun: See video for details
I. Ballistic Push-ups, Bench Press, Push-ups
II. Posterior Chain: Deadlifts through creative sumo deadlift lifting to keep those hammies primed.
III. Couch Stretch information

Samy Daghir

3 thoughts on “Friday Home WOD 03.27.2020”

  1. KB Skills and Conditioning: 20# kb with at least 50 reps per movement (totally lost count after the first round)

    A Broomstick Mile: 41:56 (35#)


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