Tuesday Home WOD 03.31.2020

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Temporary Closing of All Classes through MAY 4th due to New Hamshire’s Stay at Home Order.

Warm-up Drills
I. Run/Row/Bike/Jumprope of choice x
4-5:00 through work/rest efforts or straight through
II. Dynamic Drills, Yoga Poss, Foam Rolling
(**see last few posts for the written version of these and/or check out the video demos)

Impact/Focus: Pull-ups, Shoot Throughs & L-sits
Working :30 with :30 rest between movements complete 5 Rounds of the following

:30 x Pull-ups
(5 reps to max reps)
:30 x Rest

:30 x Paralette Shoot Through Drill
(3 reps to max reps)
:30 x Rest

:30 x L-sit Hold (Paralettes)
(:10 seconds to max time)

Notes: For those with dumbbells or weights for their Pull variation training; complete 7-10 reps per arm per round in a one arm row method of choice.

Post scores and training details/adaptations to comments.

“Home Annie”
Complete 2 Rounds for time versus a 12:00 time cap
Row kcal x 21-18-15-12-9-6
Abmat Sit-ups x 21-15-12-9-6

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

4 thoughts on “Tuesday Home WOD 03.31.2020”

  1. Impact/Focus 5 +4+20sec/5+6+15sec/5+7+15/5+6+10sec/5+7+15sec (Jumping door pull-ups; chair shoot through and L-sit hold)

    WOD – 25:35 Rx

  2. Impact/focus- 7 bent over rows 35# each arm for a pull, opened car door and used the bottom of car for dips (10). Then did hollow body hold for :30.
    Home Annie- 8:17 Did single unders in place of rowing (tripled the number ex. 21=63)

  3. Impact Focus:
    Pull-ups: used barbell in rack to pull myself up from floor 5-7 per round

    Parallette Shoot-through drill: I did dips off my bench and pushups 4-4 per round

    L-sit hold: I opted for plank holds

    Home Annie: I was 17 calories into the 2nd round at the 12:00 mark.


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