Temporary Closing of All Classes through MAY 4th due to New Hamshire’s Stay at Home Order.
YouTube Video Link found HERE.
Warm-up Drills
I. Run/Row/Bike/Jumprope of choice x
4-5:00 through work/rest efforts or straight through
II. Dynamic Drills, Yoga Poss, Foam Rolling
**The video brief has some details covering specific points of performance to focus on in picking and applying drills that will positively impact movement quality for the Squat and Overhead Pressing archetypes (Mobility WOD lingo…). A full 2:00 couch drill post would be highly efficacious, as well as all lower musculature rolling out as a way to prevent hip flexor and quad tightness/discomfort (before the sore!).
Kalsu is a Hero WOD which honours Robert James “Bob” Kalsu (April 13, 1945 – July 21, 1970), a former professional American Football player, who left his sport career behind to serve his country in the Vietnam war.
Option 1: Barbell or 2 x DB/KB’s
For time
100 x Thrusters (135/95lbs)
**Every minute on the minute complete 5 x Burpees
Scale weight as necessary to 95/65lbs or further as necessary. Weight should be something that is repeatable for Thrusters in multi rep sets. Don’t panic… see scaling notes below.
Option 2: Single Dumbbell, Kettlebell, or Odd Object
For time
50 x 1-Arm Thrusters (Left)
50 x 1-Arm Thrusters (Right)
**Partition reps between sides as needed.
Every minute on the minute complete 5 x Burpees
Option 3: Bodyweight
For time
300 x Air Squats
**Every minute on the minute complete 5 x Burpees
Scaling: Cut reps in half, adjust weight as necessary! 30:00 time cap for everyone unless athletes are particularly frisky via Cabin Fever… In that case, by all means get after it.
Post scores to comments.
(Easter egg bonus Hero WOD multiplier option to be found in the companion video…)
Hero Wod Kalsu- Option #2 35#DB wasn’t able to get thrusters done on my second round because i was too slow stepping out my burpees so I dropped down to doing 3 burpees/rd. 17:56
Hero Wod Kalsu- Option #2 KB 38:20 (35#)
So I’m an idiot and didn’t realize it was burpees too. So just thrusters option 1 65# bar 21:20
Hero Wod Kalsu #1 scaled to 95#. 135 was a bit much
12:12 45#