Warm-up Drills
I. Run/Row/Bike/Jumprope of choice x
4-5:00 through work/rest efforts or straight through
II. Dynamic Drills, Yoga Poss, Foam Rolling
Warm-up Example for Home Ninjas…
I. Movements & Drills x 2 Rounds
20 x Jumping Jacks
20 seconds x Hollow Rocks
10 x Plank/Handstand Hold Shoulder Taps
II. Dynamics x 2 Rounds
20 x Pike Walk
20 x Tall Duck Walk
10 x Spider Lunge
10 x Scorpions
III. Mobility & ‘Stretches’
Perform band or strap Hammy, Groin, ITB Strtech, Yoga Posers, Couch Stretch at own pace. Test bottom of squat position to see if you’re ready to get some!
“United In Movement WOD #4”
AMRAP 9:00 of
30-20-10 reps of
Alternating 1-arm DB Hang Clean & Jerk
Butterfly Sit-ups
Then… directly into
30-20-10 reps of
Alternating 1-arm DB Hang Snatch
Butterfly Sit-ups
Link to movement standards and scaling found HERE.
Post scores to comments.
Competition Details for the UIM, Zoom Schedule & More…
1+15 (25#)
Oops it’s 75 reps (25#). I was not able to complete a whole round within allotted time.
1+2 (25#)
134 reps 35# db