Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times
Daily @9am – –
Meeting ID: 739 1533 8626
Daily @6pm – –
Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780
Warm-up Drills
I. Movements & Drills x 2 Rounds
20 x Jumping Jacks
20 x Hollow Rocks
20 x Plank/Handstand Hold Shoulder Taps
II. Dynamics x 2 Rounds
10 x Reverse Lunges in Place
10 x Tall Duck Walk
10 x Spider Lunge
10 x Scorpions
III. Mobility & ‘Stretches’
Perform band or strap Hammy, Groin, ITB Stretch, Yoga Poses, Couch Stretch at own pace.
1:00 x Squat Therapy Hold
Impact/Focus: Friday Lifting Selection
7-8 Rounds, every :75 seconds as follows
Option 1: Those with Barbells and a heavy availability of weights complete sets of Deadlift x 5 reps each.
Option 2: Barbells with moderate weights to light weights available complete sets of 2 x Power Snatch each round.
Option 3: If athletes only have a barbell and light weights or no weights complete 5-7 reps of a Power Snatch per round.
Option 4: 7 Rounds of 12-15 reps x 1:00 rest to complete Russian or American Swings (moderate to light weights), or 12 reps each arm (alternating as needed) for a one arm light weight option.
Post scores to comments.
Complete for time versus a 15:00 time cap
Run 200m
42 x 1-arm DB Snatch, alternating L/R
21 x Burpees
Run 400m
30 x 1-arm DB Snatch, alternating L/R
15 x Burpees
18 x 1-arm DB Snatch, alternating L/R
9 x Burpees
Run 800m
Notes: Row 250,500,1000m respectively to substitute for Running.
Post scores to comments.
Impact/Focus: Option 3 (84 reps/35#KB) Russian Swings
Fathoms: @23:10 (25# DB)
95# power snatch x2
17:14 30# DB
Deadlifts 255×5
Fathoms 20:58 rowing/25# dbs