Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times
Daily @9am – –
Meeting ID: 739 1533 8626
Daily @6pm – –
Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780
Warm-up Drills
I. Movements & Drills x 2 Rounds
20 x Jumping Jacks
20 seconds x Hollow Rocks
10 x Plank/Handstand Hold Shoulder Taps
II. Dynamics x 2 Rounds
20 x Pike Walk
20 x Tall Duck Walk
10 x Spider Lunge
10 x Scorpions
III. Mobility & ‘Stretches’
Perform band or strap Hammy, Groin, ITB Strtech, Yoga Poses, Couch Stretch at own pace.
Impact/Focus: Task Priority x Pull, Push, L-sit
Complete the following versus a running 15:00 minute clock as quickly as possible. Rest as needed between efforts to ensure this priority. Score and time cap are absolutely secondary to this today.
7 Rounds of 10 reps + 10 reps + :15 seconds respectively
Option 1: Pull-ups, Paralettes, & L-Sit
Strict Pull-ups, Banded/Scaled Pull-ups
Paralette Shoot Thru Drill
L-sit on Paralettes
Option 2: Pull-ups & Rings
Strict Pull-ups, Banded or Scaled Pull-ups
Ring Dips, Banded or Scaled Dips
L-sit on Rings
Option 3: Body Row, Weighted Row (DB,KB), Floor
Body Row or 1-arm Row x 2 for rep adjustments
(10R+10L, etc…)
Push-ups or box/bench dips
V-up static hold @ balance point or Hollow Rocks x 2 for rep adjustment
(20,16,12,8,4 rep rounds)
**Use option 2 for an increased challenge if you crushed option 1 last week.
– One rep of the Paralette Shoot Thru Drill = 1 x Push-up + Shoot Thru to dip position + 1 x Dip + Reverse Shoot Thru to plank
Post option selected and scores to comments.
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 10:00 of (select from the following options based on equipment limitations)
Option 1: Barbell with Weights & Jump Rope
10:00 AMRAP
10 x Barbell Power Snatch (75/55lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Option 2: Barbell with No Weights & Jump Rope
10:00 AMRAP
10 x Barbell HANG Power Snatch (45/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Option 3: Kettlebells & Jump Rope
10:00 AMRAP
10 x American KB Swings (@32/24kg)
15 x American KB Swings (@24/16kg)
30 x Double-unders
Option 4: Dumbbells & Jump Rope
10:00 AMRAP
7 Left Arm x 1-arm Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
7 Right Arm x 1-arm Dumbbell Snatch (50/35lbs)
30 x Double-unders
Option 5: Bodyweight Only
10:00 AMRAP
10 x Burpees
30 x Lateral Hops
Option 6: OOOOOOOHHHHH 50:00 AMRAP of all five of the above, connected and changing movement sets on the ten minutes. If you have access to all the gear of course…
Post scores to comments.
Impact focus: option 3 (25# DB, ottoman dips, 15 hollow rocks)
10.1ish: 8+6 (15#/lateral hops)
3+13 jumping PU, chair shoot thru and v-up hold
10+6 45# bar (hang) and single unders
Option 1: 5 rounds (sitting pull ups)
10.1ish: 5+15 (35# /60 SUs)