Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times
Daily @9am – –
Meeting ID: 739 1533 8626
Daily @6pm – –
Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780
Warm-up Drills
I. Moving
Run for 4 minutes or 800m,
Row for 3:00 or 60kcal row for the Men, 42kcal for the Ladies
II. Foam Rolling; See notes below the rest of the long detailed warmup fun fest ahead.
-Hollow Body Position T-Spine
(Bear Hug R arm Top + L arm top)
-Arched Body Position T-Spine
(Bear Hug R arm Top + L arm top)
-Overhead with Arms for Thoracic Spine, Back, Scaps, Lats, etc working to open up the breathing ad range of motion to the pressing overhead lockout and Pull-up hang positions.
-Figure Four for Glutes
-Hammies & Adductors
-Calves/Solues/ankle… the entirety of that sore lower rear limb area (posterior).
-Quads, everyones favorite, focusing some rolling on middle outer and inner thighs.
-IT Bands. Yes, we will show you how. Again.
-Finish with those Lats and pec major
Notes: Today we get right through into it and through it with no wasted time under pressure or pain trigger points. The idea is head to toe blood movement and warmup of your CrossFittin’ tissues. As a class we will ‘roll’ right through the series as follows:
III. Dynamic Drills & Yoga Poses
Dynamic Drills: @ 10-20 reps/steps
-Tall Duck Walk
-Pike Walk
-Reverse Lunges (in place)
-Stiff Legged Bear Crawl
-Low Bear Crawl in reverse
-Glute/Back Bridges
Yoga Poses @ 10-30 seconds
The poses are held by most athletes for about
:10 to :30 seconds based on the specific needs of each.
-Child’s Pose, Seal Stretch, Fragon, Down Dog, Modified Couch Stretch
(these four are general suggestions / personal preferences)
Impact/Focus: Heavy Pull Sets.x 10 Rounder
Every Minute on the Minute complete one of the following movement options. Complete the requisite workload for 1, 3, or max reps respectively at the heaviest weights possible. Adjust weights throughout as needed.
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 EMOTM
Power Clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Power Snatch Max Reps for 1 unbroken set per round x 10 Rounds
Post training results to comments.
“Novel Aggression”
3 rounds for total points of
1:00 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
1:00 x Kneeling Slamball (20/14lbs)
1:00 x Half Snatch (alt.arms as needed)
1:00 x Reverse Burpees
1:00 x Med Ball Ground-to-Overhead (20/14lbs)
Notes: In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. After each minute of work elapses athletes must move to next station immediately. One point is given for each rep.
Movement Specific Details…
1. Wallball [20] (to short targets, minimally needs to leave hands at full extension, height beyond that or time in flight should be as minimal as possible to entertain an accelerated two tempo compared to normal Wallball target heights.
2. Kneeling Slamball [10](dynamax medicine ball and non abrasive impact area) / standing slamball (slammer as per CFNHs standard programmed movement) or reverse burpees
3. 1 or 2 Db [20] or kb half snatch
4. Reverse Burpees [10] (prepare and work hard with these today… spoiler hints?)
5. Medball [20] ground to overhead (back to wall, reach overhead with the medball at the top of the rep with arms locked until the medicine ball comes in contact with the wall as our defined range of motion target.
Post scores to comments.
Deadlifts: Worked up to 120kg/264# x 3
Novel Aggression: 253 reps
Power Clean -125#
Novel Agression – 267 mod
Impact/Focus: 7 rounds of Russian Swings (84 reps) #35 KB
Novel Aggression: 216 reps mod (25# DB)