Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times
Daily @9am – –
Meeting ID: 739 1533 8626
Daily @6pm – –
Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780
Warm-up Drills
I. 2:00 to 4:00 x Run or Row
II. 3 Rounds of
8 x Deadbugs
8 x Snow Angels
16 x Shoulder Taps
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses
Impact/Focus: Front Squats & Pull-ups 5-4-3-2-1
Complete the selected task and workload below every 2:00 for 5 Rounds total. Climb weight as able across working sets, warm-up and begin working weights at 60% if you have access to barbells and weights.
1. Barbell From Rack or Floor x 5-4-3-2-1
2. Dumbbell(s) or Kettlebells(s) x 5-4-3-2-1 (per arm if applicable)
*Attempt to climb wight if able, one or two arm methods viable here.
3. Medicine Ball or Odd objects x 10-8-6-4-2 (power as necessary to facilitate better squat form)
**Immediately upon completing the weightlifting set/reps work 5-4-3-2-1 deadhang Pull-ups, scaled Pull-ups, Body Row, etc. to work the strict strength of the movement as well as prepare for the metcon below.
Complete for time
Run 1 mile
75 x Pull-ups
30 x Clusters (95/65lbs)
Scaled Example:
Complete for time
Run 400-800m
50 x Pull-ups
30 x Clusters
(empty barbell, light Dumbbells, or a medicine ball)
Notes: 20:00 time cap.
I/F: DB squats and body rows (finished at 25#)
Austere: Mile run + 45 clusters (15#)
Got a little delirious and completely messed up the rep/movement scheme ????????♀️????
Impact/Focus: DB squats (25#) X 10-8-6-4-2
Austere: 1 mile + 80 DB rows (40R/40L) + DB Clusters (25#)
Impact Focus: 10-8-6-4-2 145#
Austere: 18:38 65#
Front Squats: 175#
Austere: 17:52 (2000m row/50 body rows/30 clusters empty barbell)
Oooofff. Clusters. 18:06 rx