Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times
Daily @9am – –
Meeting ID: 793 1533 8626
Daily @6pm – –
Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m/Row 500m
II. 3 Rounds of
7-10 x Push-ups
7-10 x Goblet Lunges /Front Rack Lunges
15 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Prone Snow Angels
III. Dynamics (ie.Scorpions,etc) & Yoga Poses
IV. Mobility Drills
Impact/Focus: Max Effort Front, Back or Goblet Squat Tests
Versus a 15:00 running clock complete the max rep attempt or total rep attempt based on your movement selection according the respective goal set/rep guidelines found below.
If the max is complete with time to spare then work through some or all of the subsequent sets/reps/rounds assigned per movement as well.
Athletes could be well prepared for more detailed, individual guidance should they have any rep record information from previous attempts with the day’s lift of choice.
An additional Hint: Warm-up sets, the increments increased by per set, are critical components of either A. Personal performance achievement or B. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).
Option 1. Front Squat
Establish a 3 rep maximum climbing in sets of three and building in weight across attempts.
Find 3RM Front Squat
Drop Sets: 3-4 Rounds of 2 reps @65-75% of the above best weight lifted
Option 2. Back Squat
Establish a 5 rep maximum climbing in sets of 3-5 reps and building in weight across attempts.
Find 5RM Back Squat
Drop Sets: 2-3 Rounds of 3 reps @60-70% of the above best weight lifted
Option 3: Front or Back Squat (without a rack/rig)
If the weight is being taken from the floor and this limits the total load able to be used for the squat then perform Front or Back Squat for a 10 rep maximum; which can be scaled higher or lower for today’s test based on the needs of the athlete and the equipment they have available.
Find a Front/Back Squat 10RM (from the floor)
Drop Sets: 3 Rounds of 5-7 reps @50-60%
(with a :02 negative and a :01 hold at depth per rep)
Option 4: Goblet Squat Max Reps (KB/Dumbbell)
With a 50lb dumbbell/32kg Kettlebell for the men or a 35lb Dumbbell/24kg Kettlebell for the women complete 3-5 warm-up sets/reps building in weight to the rx (or scaled as needed) test weight. Perform one max rep set, pushing for as long as reps are capable of being executed without putting the weight down/breaking from the Front Rack Goblet Squat position/hold.
Max Reps Possible x Goblet Squat
(with DB:50# or KB:32kg men / DB:35# or KB:24kg women)
Drop Sets: 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps @ same weight
(with a :02 negative and a :01 hold at depth per rep)
Post scores to comments.
5 Rounds for time of
12 x Deadlift (155/105lbs)
9 x Hang Power Clean (155/105lbs)
6 x Push Jerk (155/105lbs)
Notes: Barbell “DT” as originally written. Sandbags or Oddobject lifting would follow this rep scheme, perhaps doubling reps per round if the load was a bit on the light side for the athlete.
Post scores to comments.
“DT” (w/2 x Dumbbells)
5 Rounds for time of
12 x DB Deadlift (@50/35lbs)
9 x DB Hang Power Clean (@50/35lbs)
12 x DB Push Jerk (@50/35lbs)
Notes: Training with one Kettlebell is the same for rounds/sets/reps.
Post scores to comments.
“DT” (w/1 x Dumbbell)
5 Rounds for time of
24 x 1-arm DB Deadlift
(12 each arm @50/35lbs)
18 x 1-arm DB Hang Power Clean
(9 each arm @50/35lbs)
12 x 1-arm DB Push Jerk
(6 each arm @50/35lbs)
Notes: Alternate arms as often as needed provided the reps assigned are completed per side during each round before moving on. For example all left arm and right arm Deadlifts must be complete before working through the Hang Power Cleans. Training with one Kettlebell is the same for rounds/sets/reps.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development: “Extra Credit”
4 to 5 Rounds for quality w/1-2:00 rest between efforts
10 to 20 x Hollow Rocks
20 to 30 x L-sit Flutter Kicks or Flutter Kicks
:20 to :40 x Paralette L-sit (or scaled variation)
10 to 20 x Deadbugs
Front squat 125×10 & 145×6
DT – 12:38 95#
Option 4: 20 reps @ 35# KB
DT w/1 DB: 27:00 (25#)
Front Squat: 165×3
DT: 8:15 with 25# dumbbells
DT: 14:44 (55#)