Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times
Daily @9am – –
Meeting ID: 793 1533 8626
Daily @6pm – –
Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780
Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m/Row 500m
II. 3 Rounds of
7-10 x Push-ups
7-10 x Goblet Lunges /Front Rack Lunges
15 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Prone Snow Angels
III. Dynamics (ie.Scorpions,etc) & Yoga Poses
IV. Mobility Drills
ROMWOD: “Deadly Weapon”
-Child’s Pose w/ Shoulders
-Saddle Archer
-Down Dog
-Low Dragon
“Charles Franson”
Versus a 15:00 Running Clock complete the following
Run 800m
In the time remaining after the run complete an ascending ladder of Thrusters and Pull-ups; beginning the first set at three reps per movement, and increasing the workload for each round by an additional three repetitions.
3,6,9,12 … x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
3,6,9,12 … x Pull-ups
*7 minutes and 30 Seconds into the WOD complete a 200m Sprint. Athletes continue from where they left off for their 200m Sprint.
**Once the scored 15:00 period has concluded the class will hit a 400m cool down Run together. Small things with big impacts, just imagine this very experience in the company of our CFNH peers ‘IRL’… Trick to get you to run? Or something awesome to look forward to… Hmm.
Post scores to comments.
Charles Franson: 2 mile run + 15L/15R DB Thrusters and rows (25#)
Charles Franson: 15 thrusters (Row/25# dbs)
Charles Franson – thru 9 of 18 thrusters 65#/jumping pull ups