Wednesday Home/Virtual WOD 05.20.2020

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Links for the AM & PM Zoom Training Times

Daily @9am

Meeting ID: 793 1533 8626

Daily @6pm

Meeting ID: 752 6036 3780


Part 1. Individual Mobility Drills
8-10:00 Minutes

Part 2: ROMWOD
Select 1 or Both of the following ROMWOD options below

“Worth the time”
(18 to 22:00)
Poses include the following
Fragon x 2:00 per side
Lizard x 2:00 per side
Extended arm lizard x 2:00 per side
Frog x 2:00

Gear: Abmat, Medicine Ball “Worth the time” Link found HERE.

“Keep Living”
(18 to 22:00)
Poses include the following
Saddle Eagle x 1:00 per side
Saddle Archer x 1:00 per side
Low Dragon x 3:00 per side
Saddle x 2:00 per side
Seated Forward Fold x 1:30

Gear: Abmat, Medicine Ball, Strap/Towel “Keep Living” Link found HERE.

Part 3. MetCon Warm-up Drills
I. Row 35kcal
2 Rounds of
8 x Air Squats
8 x Push-ups
8 x DB/Barball Hang Clean to Overhead
II. Revisit to Mobility Drills and training emphasis brief

Part 4. “Sea Legs”
4 Rounds for max reps of the following;

Versus a 4:00 running clock

Row 21/14kal
Then…AMRAP of
8 x Hang-to-Overhead (95/65lbs)
12 x Air Squats

Rest 1:00 between rounds

Notes: Scale to dumbbells would be 4 per arm each round. Scores are rounds and reps per AMRAP not including the kcal intro voyage.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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