Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 to 3 for quality of
5 to 7 x Push-ups
20 x Deadbugs
10 x PVC Passthroughs
III. Mobility/Yoga Poses
Impact/Focus: Power Clean & Front Squat Intervals
Technique and Warm-up Barbell/PVC Complex
2 Rounds, as a class;
5 x Barbell Deadlift
5 x Barbell Power Clean
5 x Barbell Front Squat
5 x Barbell Push Press
(remedial full depth Front Squat hold x 1:00 to be applied where necessary for ROM efficacy)
Every :90 for 12 Rounds
Complete the following workload per interval as shown below. Pacing is encouraged via breaking up sets/reps as needed across each :90 second window of work.
(:90) 7 x Power Clean + 7 x Front Squat
(:90) 7 x Power Clean + 7 x Front Squat
(:90) 7 x Power Clean + 7 x Front Squat
(:90) 5 x Power Clean + 5 x Front Squat
(:90) 5 x Power Clean + 5 x Front Squat
(:90) 5 x Power Clean + 5 x Front Squat
(:90) 3 x Power Clean + 3 x Front Squat
(:90) 3 x Power Clean + 3 x Front Squat
(:90) 3 x Power Clean + 3 x Front Squat
Notes: Warm-up to a light/moderate weight that can be Power Cleaned & Front Squatted for 5 or more repetitions, repeatedly. Today the weights selected should facilitate barbell cycling, athletes that may be a bit out of practice due to quarantine down time will be very light on the weights today with emphasis on technique refamiliarization and progressive loading. Scaled workload could be going as light as possible or adjusting the reps down from the 7,5, and 3 ranges to perhaps a 4,3,2 range.
Post scores to comments.
“Herro There”
3 Rounds for time of (20:00 time cap)
Run 400m
10 x Push Press (75/55lbs)
15 x Ring Row
Notes: Rx+ 95/65lbs or 50/35lb Dumbbells for the Push Press, executed Unbroken. Ring Rows becomes 10 x Pull-ups where each set must begin with at least 1 rep of a strict, deadhang start movement. Quality and sustainment of work today will prioritize intensity for those athletes just returning to the fight after extended down time. Bring the lumber, ninjas.
Post scores to comments.
Power Clean & Front Squat Intervals: 55#
Herro There: 14:39 Rx
10:37 Rx
It is SO GOOD to be back!
Power Clean & Front Squat Intervals: 95#
Herro There: 11:27 RX
Good to be back even though it took its toll!! Nice to see everyone again ????
Power Clean & FS Intervals all at 65#
Herro There : 17:39 @ 65#