Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 to 3 rounds for quality of
7 x Barbell Power Clean
7 x Barbell Front Squat
7 x Push-ups
14 x Deadbugs
10 x PVC Passthroughs
III. Mobility/Yoga Poses
(remedial full depth Front Squat hold x 1:00 to be applied where necessary for ROM efficacy)
Impact/Focus: Power Clean & Front Squat Intervals
Every :75 for 9 Rounds
Complete the following workload per interval as shown below.
Rounds 1, 2, & 3
5 x Power Clean + 5 x Front Squat
Rounds 4, 5, & 6
3 x Power Clean + 3 x Front Squat
Rounds 7, 8, & 9
1 x Power Clean + 1 x Front Squat
Notes: Warm-up to a light/moderate weight that can be Power Cleaned & Front Squatted for 5 or more repetitions, repeatedly. Today the weights selected should facilitate barbell cycling, building on practice and proficiency established last week athletes could work through similar weight progressions or increase loads 10% across all sets/reps. Increase weights every three rounds as able.
Post scores to comments.
“Austere Is Here”
5 Rounds for time of
7 x 1-arm Thrusters (L:50/35lbs)
7 x 1-arm Thrusters (R:50/35lbs)
7 x Pull-ups
40 x Double-unders
Notes: Substitute 60 x Single-unders today. Adjust loads and scale Pull-up movements as necessary.
Post scores to comments.
PC/FS: 75#
Austere is Here: 23:17 (15#)
Double unders on a Monday ????
Power Clean/Front Squats: 115#
Austere is Here: 20:31 (25#)
Power Clean/Front Squats: 95#
Austere is Here: 16:45 – 30#/SUs