Warm-up Drills
I. 2:00 to 4:00 x Run, Row, or Jump Rope
II. 3 Rounds of
10 x Deadbugs
10 x Snow Angels
10 x Shoulder Taps (plank)
10 x American KB Swings
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses
Impact/Focus: Gymnastic & Kettlebell Alt. EMOTM
Complete the following every minute on the minute alternating the tasks below. Select movements based on current level of development with the Handstand Push-ups and American Kettlebell Swings.
6 Rounds of the following two minutes of movements as follows
Working for :20 seconds, resting for :40 seconds of
Odd Minutes: Pick one
1. Handstand Push-up or Scaled HSPU static hold x Max Time
2. Handstand Push-ups (kipping or strict) x Max Reps
Even Minutes: Pick one
1. American Kettlebell Swings x Max Reps (32/24kg)
Post scores to comments.
For time (20:00 time cap)
Run 400m
15-12-9 reps of
Wallball (20/14lbs)
Run 400m
15-12-9 reps of
Wallball (20/14lbs)
Run 400m
Notes: Scaled Rep volume adjustments could look like 12-9-6 reps per couplet of Wallball and Burpees between the Running distances.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development: Core Volume
Complete the following workload, partitioning and scaling as needed:
L sit x 1:00
50 x Deadbugs
50 x Hollow Rocks
25 x Strict Knees-to-elbows
Gymnastic & Kettlebell EMOTM: Static Stinkbug Holds to build up shoulder tolerance/65 swings (16kg)
Counterpart: 105 reps Rx
Gymnastic & Kettlebell EMOTM:
HSPUs: 22 total with abmat + 10# plate
Kettlebell swings: 54 total 24kg
Counterpart: 137 reps rx