Monday 06.29.2020

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Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Movement Warm-ups
-2 Rounds of-
5 x Barbell Deadlift
7 x Barbell Power Clean
7 x Barbell Front Squat
-2 Rounds of-
20 x Deadbugs
10 x PVC Passthroughs
III. Mobility/Yoga Poses

**Remedial full depth Front Squat hold x 1:00 to be applied where necessary for ROM efficacy)

Impact/Focus: Full Clean Triples

Complete the following workload Every :75 for 8 Rounds
3 x Clean (received in full squat position)

Notes: Warm-up to a starting weight based on the numbers from the prior three weeks of preparatory training. Today may build up to or hold at repeat sets as heavy as any weight achieved in good form in recent training sessions.

Post scores to comments.

**There will be a Row interval and technique prep session of 6:00 +/- performed prior to assaulting through the following Benchmark METCON for time.**

For time
Row 1000m
50 x Thrusters (45/35lbs)
30 x Pull-ups

Notes: This is a benchmark WOD. Log and reference scores as necessary to help determine the best scaling protocol.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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