Thursday 07.23.2020

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Ok, Greg… On second thought I suppose you really never ask for a whole lot of anything. How can we say no to your humble side-request for such a specific little gem of a training experience? Easy answer, we can’t. So we didn’t. This may be the last session within CFNH’s training halls for Anderson and Greg before they head off Southern-like… Which means Bring the lumber and get some today one last time with your peers!

Warm-up Drills 
I. Run 400m
II. 3 Rounds of
7 x Power Cleans
7 x Thrusters
10 x Hollow Rocks
2-3 Sets of 4-5 reps x
Pull-ups, Ring Rows, Scaled Pull-ups
(preferred via strict execution)
III. Mobility & Yoga Poses

Impact/Focus: 1RM Thruster Ladder x 10:00
Warm-up and prepare for heavy, single rep Thrusters every minute on the minute. The Thruster repetition weight increases across sets at the same rate, this ‘ladder’ of Thruster weights is shown below:

Men’s Ladder @ 95,115,135,155,175,195,215,235,250,265lbs
Women’s Ladder @65,75,85,95,105,115,125,135,145,155lbs

This Thruster ladder is performed on the minute for ten minutes and may come from the rack or deck. Upon failing any attempt at a set, if there is time remaining in the minute the athlete may try again. Once the Minute concludes the athlete will finish out the ladder climbing with the best weight achieved so far across 3,6,9,12,etc repetitions per minute. Log well, this will be revisited!

Post scores to comments.

For time
21-15-9 of

Thrusters (95/65lbs)

Post times to comments.

Samy Daghir

3 thoughts on “Thursday 07.23.2020”

  1. 1RM Thruster Ladder:

    195: ✅
    215: ????
    205: ✅
    185: ✅×2


    A gentleman’s 5:26 (Rx).

    Thrusters unbroken. Pull-ups in 2-3 sets each round. 70º dew point. 70ºF temperature.


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