Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 Rounds of
7 x Power Snatch
7 x Overhead Squat
10 x Snow Angels
10 x PVC Passthroughs
III. Mobility
Notes: Special Emphasis on Overhead Mobility ie Anterior Shoulder, Compartment, and Pec Minor. Mash Tri’s.
Impact/Focus: Power Snatch Barbell Cycling
Warm-up as needed before completing the following 9 Rounds of Power Snatch 2 & 3-rep sets. Use ‘touch and go’ barbell cycling technique for today’s training.
Every :75 for 9 Rounds
2-3 reps x Full or Power Snatch
Notes: There are nine rounds total on the :75 as described above. Warm-up to a moderate weight that can be Snatched/Power Snatched for 3-5 repetitions, repeatedly. Today the weights selected should facilitate barbell cycling in efforts to prepare with specific emphasis on a Benchmark Isabel test next week; thus today we will not be pushing the heavy weights such that positional learning and refinement during performance for efficiency and technique in the movement are unable to be applied.
Post scores to comments.
Complete as many rounds/reps as possible in 12:00 of
Row 350m
7 x Toes-to-bar
15 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
Notes: Scale weight for wallball as necessary. Toes-to-bar may be subbed for knees to elbows, Hanging Knee Raises, V-ups, etc, at 1:1 repetition adjustments.
Post scores to comments.
Power Snatch: 65#
Skol: 3+93m Rx
Power Snatch: 85#
“Skills”: 3+ 297m (14#)