Warm-up Drills
I. Row or Jumprope x 2:00 (consistent movement emphasis)
II. 2 Rounds of
7 x Air Squat
10 x Hollow Rock
7 x Medicine Ball Clean
10 x Bird Dogs (5L+5R)
III. Mobility Prep & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Ropes & L-sits EMOTM
12:00 total time on the clock, set for 1:00 intervals. Alternate each minute between Jumprope and timed L-sit assignments .
Double-unders x Odd Minutes
(:45 on x :15 rest/transition time)
Perform Double-unders, Double-under attempts or Single-unders
Work for :45 seconds on developing Jumprope ability
Rest/Transition x :15 seconds
L-sit x Even Minutes
(:30 on x :30 rest/transition time)
Accumulate as many seconds of an L-sit or scaled L-sit hold
Work for :30 seconds, earning as many seconds in the movement hold as possible
Rest/Transition x :30 seconds
- Athletes will be working through drills addressing development of Single-unders without the ‘double-bounce’ fault,
- breathing and capacity to perform sustained sets of single-unders,
- increasing the tempo of single jumps and rep turnover, etc.
- Those athletes with an ability to execute Double-unders will work towards consistent, repeatable sets today and emphasize preparing during this portion of training for unbroken efforts once the metcon begins.
Post scores to comments.
“Aptly Practiced”
5 Rounds for time
21 x Double-unders
15 x V-ups
10 x Médecine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
- 16:00 Time Cap.
- Scaled Version of the WOD; 5 Rnds for time of 50 x Single-unders, 15 x Tuck-ups, 10 x Medicine Ball Cleans with scaled weight.
- Rx+ Version of the WOD; 5 Rnds for time of 40 x Unbroken Double-under sets, 15 x Knees-to-Elbows, 10 x Medicine Ball Cleans @30/20lbs.
Post scores to comments.
ROMWOD x 12:00
**Time Permitting after general clean-up as a class**