Warm-up Drills
I. Agility Warm-ups
– Run x 200ft
– Side Shuffle x 50ft
– Reverse Lunge x 50ft
– Karaoke x 50ft
– Run x 200ft
II. Dynamic Drills
– Tall Duck Walk
– Pike Walk
– Spiderman Lunges
– S.L. Bear Crawl
– Lateral Bear Crawls
III. Scorpion & Yoga Sandwhich
Impact/Focus: Deadlift Triples
Warm-up with sets of 3 reps to a challenging Deadlift weight of 70-80% of a 1RM for the following lifting intervals.
5 Rounds, every 2:00 of
3 x Deadlift (75-85% of 1RM)
- Deadlift percentages @75-85% of a 1RM may also be estimated (if no recent data is available) by using a 5 rep max to find a projected 1RM starting number to base sets/reps off of. See your Coach(s) for guidance as needed.
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5 Rounds for time of
(14:00 Time Cap)
10 x Deadlift (225/155lbs)
15 x Box jump (24/20”)
20 x 1-arm Dumbbell Push press (50/35lbs)
Row 350/250m
- Scaling options will be covered during the whiteboard brief regarding time cap, volume of Rounds/Reps, and weight for the weightlifting and gymnastic exercise assignments relative to current strength abilities of each athlete.
- Review and reference value of a 60% standard for metcon training loads will be implemented today.
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Deadlift Triples: 280#
Frenetics: 17:38 (slam ball sub for box jumps, 25#DB)
3 rounds at 16:22 (205# dls)