Warm-up Drills
I. Agility Warm-ups
– Shuttle Run
– Side Shuffle x 50ft
– Reverse Lunge x 50ft
– Karaoke x 50ft
– Shuttle Run
II. Dynamic Drills
– Tall Duck Walk
– Pike Walk
– Spiderman Lunges
– S.L. Bear Crawl
– Lateral Bear Crawls
III. Scorpion & Yoga Sandwhich
“Tabata Humpdae”
Complete 8 Rounds of
:20 x Max Hold/Reps
:10 x Rest
1. Double-unders
2. L-sit
3. Handstand Hold
4. Abmat Sit-ups
5. Lunges
6. Slamball/Hammer Strikes
Notes: There will be :60 second transition time between movements. Score total seconds/reps per movement; recording a high and low number if able.
Post scores to comments.
Skill Development
3-5 Rounds for Quality of
100ft of Farmer’s Carry
or 50 ft Waiter’s Walk each arm
10-15 x Hip Extensions
2:00 x Mobility work