Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Dynamic Series
– Tall Duck Walk
– Walking Calf Raises
– Pike Walk
– Spiderman Lunges
– Stiff Leg Bear Crawl
– Alternating Lateral Lunges
III. Scorpion/Yoga Sandwich
IV. Mobility Drills
Notes: Emphasis for the Full Clean movement in Mobility will entail 1. Front Rack Barbell Mashing as well as 2. a 1:00 Squat hold. Warm-up reps with the barbell will have a predecessor set or two of Air Squats building to a fast pull into the bottom of the Squat position to prepare for the Full Clean receiving position.
Impact/Focus: Full Clean
Warm-up as needed before working through the following every two minutes; starting weight should be at 50-60% of a 1rm.
Full Clean x 5-3-3-3-1-1-1
- Climb weight every round as able, working through barbell cycling ranges of weights before building to heavy singles or a one rep max.
- Set-up barbells, collars, and weight change options prior to starting the clock in order to permit a focus on the movement being trained and appropriate loading & weight progressions.
Post scores to comments.
3 Rounds of
5:00 work x 1:00 rest of
Row 30/20kcal
In the time remaining AMRAP of
5 x Clean (135/95lbs)
10 x Ring Dips
- Newer athletes will be scaling the Ring Dips to Static Dips, Box/Bench Dips, or Push-ups as necessary to facilitate today’s metcon while priming for upcoming Dip progression strength work.
- The clean will be emphasized as a movement to train rather than a weight association; ‘proficiency and consistency before intensity’.
- Use a 50-60% of the best weight lifted during the Impact/Focus portion of training to assist in determining a safe and effecting weight for the Met.Con.
- PS Met.Con. means Metabolic Conditioning and alludes to the physically demanding training performed as a time or task priority (AMRAP and For Time WODs) such as the above Row, Clean & Ring Dip training.
Post scores to comments as rounds/reps completed for each 5 minute AMRAP.