Wednesday 03.24.2021

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Mel, it has been our absolute honor and privilege to have you back with the crew training and toiling in the trenches after securing your USAF Commission. Your presence here will pale in comparison to the impact someone of your caliber and disposition will bring to the Airmen/women you will lead. Thank you for your service and comraderie, we will miss you and look forward to tales of your exploits (and future visits!). Fair winds and following seas, Ma’am! Remember: Tie Dye never says Die.

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Dynamic Series
– Tall Duck Walk
– Walking Calf Raises
– Pike Walk
– Spiderman Lunges
– Stiff Leg Bear Crawl
– Alternating Lateral Lunges
III. Scorpion/Yoga Sandwich
IV. Mobility Drills

Notes: Emphasis for the Full Clean movement in Mobility will entail 1. Front Rack Barbell Mashing as well as 2. a 1:00 Squat hold. Warm-up reps with the barbell will have a predecessor set or two of Air Squats building to a fast pull into the bottom of the Squat position to prepare for the Full Clean receiving position.

Impact/Focus: Full Clean
Warm-up as needed before working through the following every two minutes; starting weight should be at 50-60% of a 1rm.

Full Clean x 5-3-3-3-1-1-1


  • Climb weight every round as able, working through barbell cycling ranges of weights before building to heavy singles or a one rep max.
  • Set-up barbells, collars, and weight change options prior to starting the clock in order to permit a focus on the movement being trained and appropriate loading & weight progressions.

Post scores to comments.

3 Rounds of
5:00 work x 1:00 rest of
Row 30/20kcal
In the time remaining AMRAP of
5 x Clean (135/95lbs)
10 x Ring Dips


  • Newer athletes will be scaling the Ring Dips to Static Dips, Box/Bench Dips, or Push-ups as necessary to facilitate today’s metcon while priming for upcoming Dip progression strength work.
  • The clean will be emphasized as a movement to train rather than a weight association; ‘proficiency and consistency before intensity’.
  • Use a 50-60% of the best weight lifted during the Impact/Focus portion of training to assist in determining a safe and effecting weight for the Met.Con.
  • PS Met.Con. means Metabolic Conditioning and alludes to the physically demanding training performed as a time or task priority (AMRAP and For Time WODs) such as the above Row, Clean & Ring Dip training.

Post scores to comments as rounds/reps completed for each 5 minute AMRAP.

Samy Daghir

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